Friday, November 30, 2007

what's the point?

Things i've tried:

Recently, i've been trying to manage my time so everything would go smooth sailing and i can avoid pile ups. I've been trying to get a normal sleep but i just can't. I've been trying to do my best in my tasks and upcoming tasks but i guess i suck but i think its just normal. I've been trying to understand a lot of things but it seems like everything is getting more complicated as the days go by. I've been trying to maintain a smile on my face from time to time but i guess i also suck at that part. I've been trying not to mind some problems but i think that's impossible. I've been trying to change for the better but i think it's going to be a rough road ahead.

Things that keeps me frustrated:

Unknown reasons why i'm not worth telling something. Users.

Lesson learned:

At the end of the day, its still going to be you and you alone. Everything that happened, happens and will happen to you is the result of the choices and decisions that you make. one of the few skills that babies learn is to close and open their hands. I hope its that easy to hold on and to let go.

~ I haven't been able to post a decent entry for the past few weeks and that sucks.

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