Tuesday, October 30, 2007

and thats the way it is...

Things usually don't go the way yu want them to... and sometimes that sucks!

Today i found a person that has the same sentiments as to what i have...

It sucks that the people who you think can help you out, whenever you have problems, can't. Yes, they do try but its rather putting up an imaginary friend that comforts you till the end but doesn't really know how you feel but i do thank them for the effort anyways. I know its rather rude of me to think this way but frankly speaking, its true right? You can see it right through their eyes...

Well, you can't blame people who thinks this way because at that moment of time, they are in a pit of darkness. Scared of the things ahead of them. They couldn't see any ray of light that would lead them towards the road of hope, of warmth. Its as if their feet are glued to freezing blankness. They want to cry out loud but there is a bubble that contains everything in their system and it wouldn't pop! They are longing to be heard but the mere faces of the nearest people couldn't relate because they are not there, or they haven't been there all along...

Im sorry but this how i feel, some of us feels...

There's just something that builds up on our way to you our beloved friends... Something that comes you also... I guess... sometimes we just have to learn on our own, be strong for ourselves and go beyond our limits.

The thorns along the way may hurt but thats the way it is. I believe that this line from a movie fits, "People get cut. That's life."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a rather cruel thing for me to say, but in reality pohlar, it all boils down to you. Nobody could help you, nobody could REALLY understand how you feel but your own self. It is quite useless to let it all out to somebody and expect them to feel identically the same way you do cause, heck, it won't...no matter how similar the situations are, the fact that it's YOU that's undergoing it and not the other person makes all the difference in the world. You cannot, should not, expect so greatly of others but yourself.

I don't mean to say that you dismiss every comforting thing, may it be sincere or otherwise, others offer you. Just think of it this way: No matter how hard and improbable it is for anybody to understand what you feel, there's still someone who's willing enough to make an effort to do so. Even the most insincere comforts are noteworthy because, in a way, it's letting you know that the person recognizes the existence of your feeling and tries to do something about it, even if it aint so real, at least it's SOMETHING. I think, even if it ain't THAT helpful, it is still something so greatly beautiful.

Haha... hope you understood. Just be strong, pohlar...So that you may give strength to others who need it later on...just the way you need it now.
